A catalogue raisonné is a comprehensive, annotated listing of all the known works of an artist either in a particular medium or all media. To see if there is a raisonné on a specific artist, you can consult Art Books: A Basic Bibliography of Monographs on Artists by Wolfgang M. Freitag (see link below) or A.C.I.: Art Catalogue Index: Catalogues Raisonnés & Critical Catalogues of Artists 1780-2008 (also linked below). You may also search online using the Catalogue Raisonné Database linked below.
In the SCAD Libraries' catalog, you can search an artist name as the subject, along with terms like catalogs, catalogues raisonnés, or criticism and interpretation. Other terms that may be used in place of catalogue raisonnés are:
If you need assistance locating catalogues raisonnés for a specific artist, ask a librarian.
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