Does SCAD Libraries work with Endnote?

I have purchased a subscription to Endnote at the recommendation of my professor. How do I export items from a catalog search to Endnote?


There are two ways to export to Endnote from the library catalog.

1. Individual items: If you locate an item in Catalog+ (the main search bar at, you can click the three dots next to an item and select "export to Endnote."

2. Multiple items at once: Log into your library account (My Account in the top right of the library homepage). When you find items in your search, click the save icon (ribbon) next to each item you'd like to export. When you're ready to export all of them, click the ribbon icon in the top right of a search results page in Catalog+ (next to the search bar) to see the items you've saved and export them.

Many subscription databases provided through SCAD Libraries are also compatible with Endnote. Explore the Help/Support page within the specific database to learn more.

  • Updated Jan 30, 2025
  • Views 3
  • Answered By Virginia

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